Showing 1 to 2 of 2 articles
  • I Segreti per il Benessere del Tuo Animale che Non Vogliono che Tu Sappia

    The Secrets to Your Pet's Well-Being They Don't Want You to Know

    Welcome to our blog! Today we want to take you on a journey of discovery into a world tailor-made for the well-being of your four-legged friends: Therapet complementary foods. If you are wondering what they can do for your dog or cat, you are in the right place. Get ready to discover how these products can transform your pets' lives... and simplify yours!

  • I Segreti dei Mangimi Complementari per una Pancia Serena di Micio e Fido!

    The Secrets of Complementary Feed for a Happy Tummy for Kitty and Fido!

    Hello all of you, furry friends! Today we want to talk to you about a topic that will make your dogs wag their tails with joy and your cats purr with happiness: complementary feeds  to support the well-being of the body and, in particular, for the health of the gastrointestinal system. But don't worry, it won't be an anatomy lesson! Get ready to discover how these super foods can transform your puppy's belly into a little paradise of well-being.