The American Bulldog: all the curiosities about this particular breed

Il Bulldog Americano: tutte le curiosità su questa particolare razza - Respet Shop
Maria Monster

The American Bulldog is a molosser dog breed, originally from the United States, selected by breeders John D. Johnson and Allen Scott.
Currently, however, neither the FCI (International Cynological Federation) nor the ENCI (Italian National Cynophilia Organization) recognize the breed, therefore there is no official standard. Despite this, it is possible to find four types of this breed: the Bully, the Scott, the Painter and the Hybrid.

Physical characteristics

  • It is a medium-sized dog, with a solid, muscular, but at the same time agile build.

  • The head is broad with a flat forehead, while the ears are of medium size.

  • Males are 58 to 69 cm tall with a weight between 40 and 55 kg, while females are between 53 and 63 cm, for a weight between 32 and 45 kg. 

  • The coat is short and can be various shades of white, or piebald with brown and black spots.

  • It tends to shed a lot of hair, so it is important to brush it frequently.

  • The average lifespan is 10-15 years and the most common diseases for this breed are: respiratory problems, hip dysplasia, allergies and ichthyosis.


The American Bulldog is a very intelligent dog, capable of learning many things quickly and is very playful.

Being a molosser, it is important to pay attention to education; in fact, it could easily take over the owner. It is therefore advisable to contact a dog trainer, to better understand how to relate to the Bulldog.

It is a dog that loves to be in the company of its family, faithful and very protective, it does not live solitude well. It can also be kept in an apartment, as long as it is often taken to open spaces, where it can let off steam and relax.

Despite its very affectionate nature, it can be quite wary and fearful with strangers. It can get along well with children, always supervised by an adult, while with other dogs the relationship could be more difficult.

It is not recommended as a first dog, precisely because of its stubborn and lively character. It is preferable to choose it if you already have experience with other dogs and if you have a lot of time to dedicate to it.


The American Bulldog tends to be very greedy, so it is important to be careful to ration meals correctly and provide a balanced diet.

For puppies, 3-4 meals a day are recommended, while for adults, 1-2 meals a day is recommended, for a total of approximately 400-500 g of food per day.

Choosing the right food for your Bulldog is really very important from several points of view.

For example, we can recommend N&D Pumpkin dry food with pumpkin, lamb and blueberry, perfect for medium and maxi dogs.

The Bulldog's diet affects his muscle tone, energy and joint strength, a sore point for this breed.

Now all you have to do is run and adopt your American Bulldog! Your dedication will be rewarded with affection!
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