Caring for a Pregnant Cat: Love and the Importance of Proper Nutrition

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Finding out that your beloved cat is pregnant can be an exciting but also worrying moment. As an owner, you want to do everything possible to ensure the well-being of your cat and her future kittens. One of the most important things to pay attention to during this time is undoubtedly nutrition.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

Pregnancy requires a surplus of energy and nutrients. Your cat needs a rich, balanced diet to support her health and that of the babies she is carrying. You want to make sure she gets everything she needs, without compromising anything.

Farmina: A Solution That Makes the Difference

Farmina has understood how crucial this time is for you and your cat. For this reason, it has formulated two lines of specific foods that are not only nutritionally complete, but are designed to meet the needs of both the pregnant cat and her kittens. With Farmina, you can feel confident that you are providing the best for your furry friend.

Farmina Lines for kittens and pregnant cats:

  1. N&D Ocean: Based on high quality proteins from fish. This line is rich in omega-3 and omega-6, essential for the development of the nervous system of kittens and to keep the mother cat's coat healthy and shiny.

  2. N&DPrime:With animal proteins such as chicken, lamb and wild boar, this line provides energy and essential nutrients for optimal growth and development of puppies.

Both of these lines are part of the Kitten format, specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs not only of the kittens that will be born, but also of the mother cat during gestation and breastfeeding.

Benefits of Farmina Nutrition

1. High Quality Protein: To support the growth of the little ones and maintain the mother's strength.

2. Essential Fats: Lose the necessary energy and maintain a shiny coat.

3. Vitamins and Minerals: For healthy development and a strong immune system.

Practical Tips for Caring for a Pregnant Cat

In addition to a proper diet, there are other important care to provide to a pregnant cat:

Comfortable Environment: Create a quiet space where she can rest and feel safe. You can use soft pillows and blankets to create a cozy nest.
Veterinarian Visits: Schedule regular checkups to monitor the health of your cat and kittens. Your vet may also recommend specific supplements if needed.
Hydration: Make sure your dog always has fresh, clean water. You may also want to consider offering wet food occasionally to increase fluid intake.
Weight Monitoring: Keep an eye on your cat's weight to make sure she is gaining weight in a healthy way. Too much or too little weight can be a sign of trouble.

Moderate Exercise: Even if your cat is pregnant, she needs some light exercise. Gentle play with her can help her keep her muscles toned without stress.

A Gesture of Love

Caring for your pregnant cat is a true act of love. Every little attention, every nutritious meal, every cuddle counts. With Farmina's N&D Ocean and N&D Prime lines, you have a trusted ally who helps you provide excellent nutrition, allowing you to focus on giving love and security to your cat.


Your cat's pregnancy is a special time and, with the right care, you can make a difference for her and her kittens. Choosing Farmina means making a conscious choice for the health and well-being of your feline family. Together, you can ensure that this journey is as peaceful and happy as possible for everyone.

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