Showing 1 to 5 of 5 articles
  • Cani vs. Gatti: Chi è il vero coraggioso di Halloween?

    Dogs vs. Cats: Who's the Really Brave Halloween?

    Halloween is coming, and while we humans are having fun dressing up as monsters and witches, our furry friends are probably thinking: "What is going on?!" . However, there is a big difference between dogs and cats in the way they face the scariest night of the year. Who will be the bravest? And who, instead, will be the most cowardly? Let's clarify a little... and laugh!
  • I Segreti dei Mangimi Complementari per una Pancia Serena di Micio e Fido!

    The Secrets of Complementary Feed for a Happy Tummy for Kitty and Fido!

    Hello all of you, furry friends! Today we want to talk to you about a topic that will make your dogs wag their tails with joy and your cats purr with happiness: complementary feeds  to support the well-being of the body and, in particular, for the health of the gastrointestinal system. But don't worry, it won't be an anatomy lesson! Get ready to discover how these super foods can transform your puppy's belly into a little paradise of well-being.
  • Bagnetto-Time: Scopri come per Daisy e Frida il Momento del Bagnetto è Diventato un Puro Relax

    Bath Time: Discover How Bath Time Became Pure Relaxation for Daisy and Frida

    Are you a proud parent of a four-legged friend? Then you surely know the struggle to keep your companion clean and happy. But here's the good news: we have found the perfect solution for you and your furry friend! Meet Daisy, the dog who has transformed bath time into a moment of pleasure thanks to the TheraIdra line by BioForLife. And let's not forget Frida, the cat who solved her dermatological problems with TheraMicotic. Curious? Keep reading!
  • Trasforma l'Estate del Tuo Pet con un Tocco Tropicale: Scopri Farmina N&D Tropical

    Transform Your Pet's Summer with a Tropical Touch: Discover Farmina N&D Tropical

    Summer vacations are on the horizon and while you dream of sunny beaches and exotic adventures, why not let your beloved four-legged friend join in the fun? This year, avoid abandonment and bring your dog or cat with you, ensuring a vibrant and healthy gastronomic experience with Farmina N&D Tropical. Get ready to discover how this innovative product can elevate your pet's summer to extraordinarily exotic levels!
  • Mancanza di energie con i primi caldi? Abbiamo una valida soluzione da proporti

    Lack of energy with the first warm weather? We have a valid solution to offer you

    Summer is upon us and with it the first warm weather, which often affects the well-being of our beloved four-legged friends . Tiredness and lack of energy can affect animals just like it happens to us humans. It is therefore essential to pay special attention to their diet and well-being during this period. With Farmina N&D Spirulina, your dog or cat can face the season with renewed vigor and vitality. Let's discover together how this revolutionary product can transform your pet's summer into a period of pure energy and health.