Dogs vs. Cats: Who's the Really Brave Halloween?

Cani vs. Gatti: Chi è il vero coraggioso di Halloween?

Halloween is coming, and while we humans are having fun dressing up as monsters and witches, our furry friends are probably thinking: "What is going on?!" . However, there is a big difference between dogs and cats in the way they face the scariest night of the year. Who will be the bravest? And who, instead, will be the most cowardly? Let's clarify a little... and laugh!

The dog: a brave... with reservations

Let's start with our dog friend. It is always said that dogs are man's best friend, protective and always ready to defend us. But how brave is our Fido when he comes face to face with Halloween?

Well, it depends! Many dogs are incredibly brave. They are the ones who bark at anything suspicious: the door that opens by itself, the wind that slams a shutter, or that child dressed as a dinosaur who looks really strange. And of course, for them it is a great act of heroism to bark at him as if he were a real threat. Good job Fido, you are our hero!

But... wait a minute. Have you ever seen a dog run away at the sight of a vacuum cleaner or a slightly too realistic Halloween mask? Here our brave protector suddenly becomes a coward! Some dogs, in fact, are incredibly sensitive to sudden noises and out-of-the-ordinary objects. Halloween, with its commotion, shrill laughter and costumes, can send even the largest of German Shepherds into a crisis.

The Cat: The Scary Ninja... or the Brave One?

And the cat? Oh, this is where things get complicated! Cats have an innate ability to appear brave... but only until things get really weird. You know when your cat slowly approaches a new object with a defiant air, sniffing and studying it like a seasoned detective? Now that's their "brave curious" phase.

But all it takes is a sudden gust of wind that moves a Halloween decoration and... BANG! Gone! Your cat is already under the bed, probably pondering why he decided to trust you humans. Cats are famous for their escape speed when something scares them. They are like little ninjas , ready to pounce at the slightest threat. So, while on the one hand they are brave explorers, on the other they are also the first to run away when something doesn't add up.

Who is the more cowardly of the two?

Now comes the hardest question: who is the scariest, the dog or the cat? Well, it depends on your point of view! Dogs tend to be more protective and face danger head on... until that damn inflatable Halloween puppet moves around in the neighbor's yard! In that case, many dogs abandon their guardian aura to take refuge behind us.

On the other hand, cats only seem brave as long as the situation is under control . If everything goes their way, there are no problems. But at the first doorbell, with children dressed up as skeletons and vampires, they go into "Disappear and Survive" mode. And in that case, who will see them again for the rest of the evening?

So, how do we help these adorable scaredy-cats?

Whether you have a dog or a cat, it's clear that both can be a little scared on Halloween night. But there are ways to help them feel more at ease :

  1. Provide a Safe Space : Both dogs and cats love having a safe haven. Whether it’s a cozy bed or a cat box (yes, they love those!), make sure they have a place to hide and relax.

  2. Reduce the noise : A low-volume television or soothing music can help cover up the scary Halloween noises. Choose a calm soundtrack, perhaps a nice documentary about tropical fish... no horror, please!

  3. Calming Snacks : A nice treat can work wonders! A delicious snack suitable for our furry friends will help them relax. And for them, a treat without a treat!

  4. Costumes? In moderation! : While the idea of ​​dressing up your dog or cat in a Halloween costume is tempting, be careful not to overdo it. If your dog seems confused or your cat gives you looks of pure contempt, it's best to leave them in their original version... they're already adorable enough as it is!

In conclusion

Who is braver, dogs or cats? The truth is that both are... in their own way! The dog is our little protective hero, always ready to bark at the threat, but sometimes panics over a scary decoration. The cat, on the other hand, is a master of feline courage, but all it takes is a strange movement and... it disappears in a flash.

In the end, what matters is that both of our furry friends feel safe during the scariest night of the year. And with a little love, some cuddles and the right snacks (you can find them all in our e-commerce!), Halloween will be a fun night for them too!

Happy Halloween to all the brave (and cowards!) from us and your adorable furry friends! 🎃🐶😺

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