Dogs and cats in condominiums: rules and precautions to follow

Cani e gatti in condominio: regole e accortezze da seguire - Respet Shop
Maria Monster

More and more people, living in apartments, choose to adopt a four-legged friend, but before doing so it is necessary to find out about the rules to follow within the condominium.

Starting from the assumption that, as established by article 1138 of the Civil Code, no condominium can prohibit the presence of pets, it is a good idea to read the condominium rules carefully, especially with regards to common areas.

It is clear that, as in any other environment, the owner is solely responsible for the animal and is criminally and financially liable for it.

In fact, the condominium can request the removal of the pet only in specific circumstances, such as lack of hygiene or pathologies of the animal, which must be documented by ASL or veterinarians.

If the owner has the right to keep his pets in the apartment, he also has the duty to register them in the canine registry, as regards dogs, and to be up to date with vaccinations, as regards both dogs and cats.

Common areas

Therefore, being able to live in an apartment without any problems, the pet cannot even be denied access to common areas. However, some precautions are necessary:

  • Keep your dog on a leash when in the elevator and in common areas
  • Wear a muzzle and use it when necessary
  • Always collect the needs
  • Clean thoroughly if the dog has made a mess
  • Be careful of smells


Even inside your own apartment, it is necessary to respect some rules to have a good coexistence with your neighbors.

  • Take the dog out often
  • Don't leave your dog alone for many hours


Among the thorniest topics, on the agenda in discussions between condominium owners, there is certainly the dog's barking.

As also stated by the Court of Cassation, barking is a right for a dog, in addition to being its main form of expression. However, it is the owner's responsibility to verify and evaluate whether the dog's barking could disturb the neighbors, for example in cases where it barks at night, or for a prolonged period of time. It is therefore necessary to distinguish between a normal noise and a disturbance of the public peace.

In conclusion, even in the management of pets in condominiums, for a good coexistence it is essential to respect the law, the condominium regulations, but above all the use of common sense by all parties involved.

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