Dog license: everything you need to know

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Patentino cani: tutto ciò che c’è da sapere - Respet Shop
Maria Monster

When you choose to adopt a dog you take on the great responsibility of educating it and teaching it how to behave in different situations.

What is a dog license?

The dog license is a document that is issued to dog owners, who attend a specific course, with the aim of being responsible owners. The course focuses on knowing the dog and teaching the right behaviors to have, to establish a good relationship and impart a correct education to the dog.

Until 2009, according to the ordinance “Protection of public safety from dog attacks”, some dog breeds were considered dangerous and therefore required to wear a muzzle in public places.

Today, however, the provisions for breeds considered dangerous have changed. Only in the case of subjects with an aggressive nature, regardless of the breed, an attempt is made to teach correct behavior to the owner and dog. The dog license serves precisely this purpose. In the event that a veterinarian, sometimes together with a behavioral veterinarian, establishes that the dog has aggressive behavior, it is mandatory for the owner to take the license; while it remains optional for all other dog owners.

The courses

These courses to obtain the dog license are real training courses, provided by Municipalities and Local Health Authorities.

There are currently two types of courses:

  • basic courses: these are courses divided into 5 sessions of 2 hours each for a total of 10 hours, which address various topics: dog well-being; canine ethology; behavior analysis…

This type of course is provided to those who voluntarily decide to follow the lessons.

  • advanced courses: this type of course must be followed by those who, based on the decision of a veterinarian, must obtain a license. This type of course goes into greater depth on the topics covered in the basic courses and also includes a final test to obtain the license.

It is not mandatory to carry a license. If requested by the police, it is sufficient to issue a self-certification.

How to deal with an aggressive dog?

A dog that barks, growls and bites should be considered an aggressive dog, which can put the owner under strain and put those around him at risk.

The first thing to do when your dog starts to show aggressive behavior is to try to identify the causes. Aggressive behavior on the part of your dog is usually due to feelings of anger or fear. It is therefore necessary to understand what is the motivation that drives the dog to behave in an aggressive manner. Among the most common causes: a past trauma, poor socialization with other dogs or humans, lack of rules and communication.

The second thing to do is to try to avoid situations in which the dog becomes aggressive or prevent the behaviors. If the dog tends to be aggressive in certain places, if possible, you should avoid frequenting them. If necessary, you should limit the aggression, through the use of a muzzle.

From the first signs of aggression it is important to contact an expert, who will be able to indicate the best path to follow to solve the problem!

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Siddik Sardar
Siddik Sardar

Top 10 Biggest Dog Breeds in the World While dogs can vary gre­atly in their stature, certain bre­eds are truly immense­ in size. From calm yet colossal canines to massive­ mammals that safeguard homes, enormously e­normous dog breeds have e­nthralled dog enthusiasts all around the globe­ with their tremendous magnitude­.

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