Hypoallergenic cats: what it means and which breeds to choose

Gatti anallergici: cosa significa e quali razze scegliere - Respet Shop
Maria Monster

If you are allergic to cats, don't despair, you too can have the joy of adopting a four-legged friend!

The allergy

Commonly and mistakenly we tend to think that the allergy derives from cat fur. In reality, the allergy is due to the Fel D1 protein produced by the animal's saliva, skin or organs. We tend to think that the problem is in the fur, precisely because the cat, by licking itself to clean itself, deposits saliva on the fur.

Hypoallergenic cats

The solution for allergy sufferers, therefore, is not, as is commonly thought, the Sphynx, a breed that has no hair, but hypoallergenic cats!

You understood correctly, there are hypoallergenic cats. What does it mean?

Hypoallergenic cats have very low production of the Fel D1 protein, which produces the allergy.

To choose a hypoallergenic cat you need to pay attention to the breed.

Here is a list of the main breeds to be considered hypoallergenic:

  • Siberian Cat: among the breeds best known as suitable for allergy sufferers; it is in fact the breed that produces the least Fel D1. Imposing and with very thick fur, it is a cat that loves to be in company.
  • Norwegian Forest Cat: this breed, originally from the Scandinavian countries, also produces a minimal quantity of Fel D1.
  • Devon Rex: it is a short-haired breed that falls into the classification of felines that produce little Fel D1. Very affectionate and sweet, he also sheds little hair.
  • Balinese cat: this cat also produces a low amount of Fel D1. It originates from the United States and is classified in the category of Siamese and Oriental cats.
  • Russian Blue: This cat produces little Fel D1 and its allergens tend to remain in the undercoat. The Russian Blue takes its name from its place of origin and the color of its coat.
  • Bengal: with its unmistakable leopard fur, the Bengal is recommended for allergy sufferers.

Generally these purebred cats need a very careful diet, this month we recommend N&D Quinoa with herring, coconut and turmeric.


Regardless of the breed chosen, the best thing to do is to try to come into contact with the cat, indoors for some time, to see if coexistence is possible. Furthermore, we recommend always carefully cleaning the environments where the cat lives.

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