Food for sterilized cats: how and what to choose

Cibo per gatti sterilizzati: come e cosa scegliere - Respet Shop
Monster Media SL

To choose the best food for our cat, it is always important to take into account its characteristics and needs.

When sterilizing your cat, it is a good idea to consider this aspect when choosing your food.

What you will most likely notice is an increase in appetite and a greater sedentary lifestyle in your cat, so it will be important to choose the most suitable foods, as well as decide on the correct doses and make him exercise.

Additionally, neutered cats tend to have more delicate kidneys, which could lead to urinary tract problems, so it is essential that they follow a balanced diet.

At ResPet we pay a lot of attention to sterilized cats. Put it in the search filters and you will find all the most suitable foods for your furry friend. Try it now

We recommend that you ask your vet for advice, who will be able to guide you through this new phase of your cat's life.

But don't worry, establishing the diet after sterilization will not be complicated, in fact, there are more and more specific foods for sterilized cats on the market, from which to choose.

The general indications for feeding your neutered cat are:

  • Reduced fat and carbohydrate content
  • High in fiber
  • High protein content

But let's see in detail what the recommended ingredients are.

Yes to all proteins such as beef, chicken, duck, but also tuna and salmon.

Fiber is absolutely essential, so yes to all vegetables with a high fiber content, such as pumpkin and carrots.

This month among our products for sterilized cats we recommend N&D Pumpikin with quail and pomegranate.

Dry or wet food?

Dry food helps dental health and usually allows for more regular intestinal transit; wet food, on the other hand, increases hydration, which can be lacking in sterilized cats. The optimal solution may, therefore, be to mix the two types, correctly balancing the quantities.

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